Cardboard Recycling

The Reclaim difference
Too much cardboard is still being sent to landfills by waste companies. Reclaim is different - we provide certainty that recyclable cardboard is made into new products.
Reclaim collects around 7,000 tonnes of cardboard and paper each month and arranges for this to be made into new products. By recycling your cardboard, you will reduce your cost of waste to landfill and ensure that an important resource is not wasted.
If we are not yet collecting your cardboard, please get in touch with us.
Our bin options
There are many ways in which we service our cardboard customers from High Density Balers to Wire Cages.
Wire Cages and Metal BinsOur standard cages have a capacity of 3.5 cubic meters compared to the 2.5m cages in the market. This means if your bin is serviced by Reclaim it needs less empties, saving you money and reducing truck movements on your site. The bins remain on site at all times and are emptied on site by a front-loader truck. Servicing of bins is either on-demand or via a regular schedule, depending upon volumes.
Cardboard and Paper BinsBusinesses with smaller volumes of cardboard and paper or with limited space can make use of our 660 and 1100 litre collection service. Servicing is by way of a regular scheduled collection day either weekly, fortnightly, or monthly.
We offer a range of bespoke bins and services, tailored to suit your recycling needs.
Contact us today to find out how Reclaim can assist with your cardboard recycling.

Bin specifications

660L Wheelie Bin
Width: 1.13m
Height: 1.215m
Depth: 0.784m

1100L Wheelie Bin
Width: 1.37m
Height: 1.295m
Depth: 1.118m

3.5m³ Steel Cage
194 kg when empty, add 100 kg for average full load (can be as low as 20 kg or as high as 200kg). Can be supplied without lids, with lockable lids and on skids (rather than wheels).
Width: 1.8m
Height: 1.4m (plus 150mm or 100mm for feet/skids)
Depth: 1.5m

6m³ Steel Cage
267kg empty, add 170 kg for an average full load. Fork pockets are fitted underneath to fit both standard and electric fork hoists. Locking wheels must be used on any slope. Lids are not supplied due to the height of the cage.
Width: 1.8m
Height: 2.04m
Depth: 1.7m
Request a quote today!
Reclaim will help your business divert your cardboard waste from landfills at the lowest cost possible. Get in touch and let us sort out your paper recycling today.
Get in Touch
If you require an unscheduled collection, please request it via our Customer Portal.
We can provide your business with integrated waste and recycling solutions.
Please complete this form to request further information and we will contact you shortly. Please make sure you fill in all required (*) fields.