Advisory & Consulting Services
Reclaim's Advisory & Consulting Services
If your business is considering a journey toward sustainability with waste reduction as a part of that goal, you cannot know how or what to improve without properly understanding the issue.
Reclaim has developed a wide range of advisory services to assist your business in reducing waste to landfill and adopting effective recycling habits. Follow the flow chart to see how we can help you.

Waste Audits
A waste audit is the perfect starting point and often regarded as the foundation process for a commitment to a more sustainable workplace.
Our Toitu certified Waste Audits provide detailed findings that enable you to quantify your waste footprint, track progress and identify main areas of waste minimisation opportunity. Meaningful waste minimisation improvements can come from addressing few key areas.
An audit involves:- A site visit to determine logistics of the audit.
- Supplying dedicated audit bins to intercept the waste for auditing.
- Transporting the collected waste to our dedicated Reclaim Audit Facility.
- Separating the waste into the main recycling streams available in NZ.
- Recording (through weighing and photographing) the different recycling streams.
- Providing a comprehensive audit report detailing the audit method, results, statistics, descriptions of waste and recycling identified, photographs and key recommendations to reduce waste, maximise recycling and reduce contamination of recycling streams at your business.
Waste audit results are complemented by educative tools that share findings, educate staff and contribute to overall waste minimisation success.
To discuss your waste minimisation strategy and how we can help, enquire today!

Education Sessions
Our education sessions are set up to empower people to make the right decisions when it comes to waste. While they are customizable to different needs and objectives, our education sessions cover the concepts below:
- The importance of recycling
- How to effectively recycle
- Any findings from audits
- What happens to recycling and waste at the end of life
- Contamination and different recycling streams
- Recycling facts that motivate change
- Answer recycling questions from the audience
Other educative tools are also available and can be used in conjunction with education sessions.
To discuss your waste minimisation strategy and how we can help, enquire today!

Other Services
We are serious about waste minimisation and helping businesses do what it takes to divert waste from landfill, educate people and achieve goals and targets. Beyond our audits and education sessions we also offer the below services:
- Bespoke waste bin displays
- Recycling quizzes
- Intranet material to engage and influence staff to adopt effective recycling habits (emails and newsletters inserts)
- Recycling guides for local retailers
- Customised signage recommendations
- Info sheets & resources
We are always open to new ideas and ways we can help businesses maximise diversion from landfill and minimise waste. Need assistance? Enquire today!