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Our Services
Recycling Services
Business Recycling
Cardboard Recycling
Paper Recycling
Plastic Recycling
Plastic Film Recycling
Glass Recycling
Food Waste Recycling
Secure Destruction
Certified Destruction
Residual Waste
Green Waste
E-Waste Recycling
Paper Towels & Compostables
Advisory & Consulting Services
Waste Audits
Recycling Education Sessions
General Consulting
Auckland Drop-Off
Wellington Office
Christchurch Drop-Off
Business Recycling
Increasing population and higher standards of living are pressurising our resources, many of which are finite. Businesses must conserve these resources as well as use them more wisely.
Cardboard Recycling
Reclaim collects around 7,000 tonnes of cardboard and paper each month and arranges for this to be made into new products.
Paper Recycling
Reclaim offers a range of waste paper recycling services that assist production efficiency, reduce environmental impact, and create economic benefits for individual businesses and organisations.
Plastic Recycling
Reclaim collects around 350 tonnes of plastic containers and film each month and arranges for this to be made into new products.
Plastic Film Recycling
Reclaim collects around 350 tonnes of plastic containers and film each month and arranges for this to be made into new products.
Glass Recycling
Reclaim collects around 900 tonnes of glass bottles and jars each month and arranges for this to be made into new products.
Food Waste Recycling
Reclaim collects around 130 tonnes of compost each month and ensures all food waste is turned into nutrient-rich compost.
Secure Destruction
Reclaim has designed a simple and effective system for the secure destruction and recycling of confidential business paper. Reclaim has provided this service to small, medium and large organisations for over 15 years.
Certified Destruction
Reclaim is committed to helping businesses to operate in a more environmentally sustainable way by working with them to reduce the volume of waste disposed of to landfill, and to recycle more.
Residual Waste
Reclaim currently collects and sorts many different grades of cardboard, paper, glass and plastic containers, and organic waste for recycling in Auckland and overseas.
Green Waste
Reclaim is passionate about recycling. It makes sense then that we also offer clients a GREEN waste solution that is environmentally responsible.
E-Waste Recycling
Reclaim now offers an easy convenient solution for your business e-waste. Reclaim works with industry experts to ensure 70%+ of your e-waste is diverted from landfill.
Paper Towels & Compostables
Reclaim is passionate about recycling. It makes sense then that we also offer clients a paper towels and compostable packaging recycling solution that is environmentally responsible.
Waste Audits
A waste audit is the perfect starting point and often regarded as the foundation process for a commitment to a more sustainable workplace.
Recycling Education Sessions
Our education sessions are set up to empower people to make the right decisions when it comes to waste. Other educative tools are also available.
General Consulting
If your business is considering a journey toward sustainability with waste reduction a part of that goal, you cannot know how or what to improve without properly understanding the issue.
Auckland Drop-Off
Reclaim offers a drop-off point for members of the Auckland public to unload readily recyclable material in an environmentally sustainable way.
Wellington Office
Christchurch Drop-Off
Why Recycle?
Everyday Recycling
Recycling for Kids
Recycling for Business
Real Recycling
What is Recyclable?
Identifying Recyclables
Recycled Products
How to Recycle?
Recycling Directory
Living Waste Free
We may be perceived as clean and green by the rest of the world, but we have significant problems in New Zealand.
Everyday Recycling
By taking responsibility for the stuff you consume (what you choose to buy and use) you can have a real positive impact on our environment.
Recycling for Kids
Teachers, children, and parents can have fun learning about how recycling improves the environment and provides a path to sustainable living.
Recycling for Business
Businesses generate a great deal of waste and play a key role in helping to conserve our resources, as well as encouraging customers to use them more wisely.
Real Recycling
Recyclables separated at source are more likely to provide recycling certainty. Not all recyclable materials collected are sorted and sent for recycling into new products.
Identifying Recyclables
When it comes to recycling, anything can be recycled if there is enough volume, however materials such as cardboard, paper, glass, aluminium and plastics are the most commonly recycled.
Recycled Products
There are numerous recycled products in the market. You will easily be able to find recyclable alternatives to products across a range of categories.
Your local council will help you recycle properly.
A high percentage of recycled resources are collected from businesses, as manufacturing waste and as waste collected from customers.
Recycling Directory
Sustainable Business Network (SBN)'s Circular Economy Directory is designed to help businesses reduce environmental impact and carbon emissions.
Numerous government initiatives are in place to assist recycling and to encourage more recycling to take place.
Living Waste Free
One of the best ways that we can show our dedication to our environment is to take a pledge to live as waste-free as possible. It comes down to "Three R" mantra of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
Resources providing information, links and guidance on what is acceptable across each recycling stream and more.
Recycling Week
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Our Services
Recycling Services
Business Recycling
Cardboard Recycling
Paper Recycling
Plastic Recycling
Plastic Film Recycling
Glass Recycling
Food Waste Recycling
Secure Destruction
Certified Destruction
Residual Waste
Green Waste
E-Waste Recycling
Paper Towels & Compostables
Advisory & Consulting Services
Waste Audits
Recycling Education Sessions
General Consulting
Why Recycle?
What is Recyclable?
How to Recycle?
Recycling Week
About Us
Contact Us
Payment Options
Customer Portal
Consultancy Services Form
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