A high percentage of recycled resources are collected from businesses, as manufacturing waste and as waste collected from customers.
Businesses play a key role in helping reduce waste to landfill. The volume of waste generated at commercial sites as well as the level of separation and accessibility to services place businesses in a favourable position to separate and recycle more materials than at the residential level.
Businesses considering sustainability targets and objectives must look at waste minimisation strategies, understand their waste make up and track progress towards minimising waste destined to landfill in favour of procuring recyclable alternatives or phasing waste streams out completely.
Commercial Recycling
To maximise recycling at the commercial level, businesses and organisations must consider waste footprint beyond more traditional streams of cardboard, paper and mixed plastics.
Instead, commercial sectors should consider investing in greater understanding of their waste and exploring a wider range of collection services to maximise landfill diversion and achieve zero-waste status.
Numerous waste service providers offer a range of servicing options across different recycling streams. For businesses serious in making a change, engaging experts for each stream guarantees a greater level of recycling, ensuring proper recycling is actually achieved.
Main recycling streams worth considering at a commercial level include:
- Cardboard
- Office Paper
- Comingle
- Food Waste/Compost
- Paper destruction
- Glass
- Plastic Film
Different waste service providers are able to process and recycle specialist materials such as hard to recycle plastics, polystyrene, construction waste, etc., increasing businesses' opportunities for diversion.