Why Recycle?
Waste starts and ends with us.
Every year in New Zealand we discard 17.5 million tonnes of waste, with 12.6 million destined to landfill. From the volume that is disposed in landfill, 30% (3.6 million tonnes) are made of readily recyclable materials that have high recycling value and can be easily diverted if we dispose of them correctly.
Given the extent of the opportunity, understanding the complexities of recycling assists New Zealand in making the right choices when it comes to disposal.

What is Recyclable?
When it comes to recycling, anything can be recycled if there is enough volume, however materials such as cardboard, paper, glass, aluminium and plastics are the most commonly recycled.
This section helps you understand how to identify these recyclable resources and how to procure the most recyclable options.
How to Recycle?
When it comes to recycling, different rules apply for residential versus commercial, and then again depending on location.
To help clarify some of the confusion we have pulled guides on residential, commercial and other useful recycling resources.